Neurodiversity Celebration Week, founded by Siena Castellon, is a worldwide initiative that aims to transform how neurodivergent individuals are perceived. The initiative works with schools, universities, and organizations to educate and increase the understanding and acceptance of neurodiverse minds.
The Dorktales Storytime podcast released an episode this past week starring two autistic voice actors, Jonathan Cormur and Langston Sardella. If you're not already familiar with this wonderfully imaginative podcast, you're in for a treat. The show's host, Jonathan Cormur (also the voice of co-host Reginald T. Hedgehog), takes listeners on journeys through stories with social-emotional themes. This episode, like so many of the Dorktales episodes, encourages listeners to be themselves, share their gifts and personal stories, and empower others. “In all of our tales, we incorporate empowering messages and lessons for kids,” says Cormur, “but especially for those who are being marginalized and misunderstood. This is an important episode for us, because both myself and 13-year-old actor, Langston Sardella, are breaking down stereotypes and changing the narrative about what it means to be autistic.” The episode also includes a beautiful original song, 'Firefly Light', written and produced by Molly Murphy and performed by Monique Hafen Adams, Kristin Schmitz, and Molly Murphy.

I listened to Someone Like Me last year when it was recognized by the Irish Podcast Awards. This episode is a wonderful conversation between 9-year-old Sophie and filmmaker, Caoilinn Handley about what is wonderful about autism and what makes them feel like they have superpowers.
A Kids Listen Roundup
Lastly, there is a really great write-up here by Kids Listen members highlighting several special shows and episodes about neurodiversity.